According to the requirements for terminal power distribution box for housing, its components should be selected. The options of the box are analysed. 从住宅终端配电箱的要求,来确定住宅配电箱配备的元件,并分析几种配电箱的方案。
Responsible for the technical administration of all power supply system such as substation, power distribution cabinet/ box, etc. 负责全厂的强电系统,配电室,各配电柜配电箱等电设备的技术管理工作。
Power distribution box applications. 配电箱的应用程序。
The power cable distribution box is a new product in China and there exist different views and understandings on its properties and technical elements. 电缆分接箱是近年来出现的一个新产品,业内人士对其产品性能和技术要素的理解尚不一致。
Power cable distribution boxes can be categorized as the common type and the advanced type by their electric configuration, and their technical elements involve the box proper and the circuit. 电缆分接箱按其电气构成分为普通分接箱和高级分接箱两类,每一个分接箱的技术内容又包含箱体技术和电路技术两大要素。
The ingenious connection of power distribution box 配电箱的巧妙连接法